Job Application: PT iPhone and iPad Repair Tech

Title: PT iPhone and iPad Repair Tech

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) must be filled out before submitting.

Personal Details

First Name *
Last Name *
Address *
City *
State *
Zip code *
Time at current address *
Email Address *
Telephone *
Cell phone *

Job Listing Information

Date you can start *
Hours Desired *
Desired Wage? *
How did you find job opening? *
Why do you want to work for our company? *
What are your strengths? *
What are your weaknesses? *
Tell us how you see your life 5 years from now. *

Employment History

Employer #1

Company *
Position Held *
Time in Position *
Supervisor/Manager *
Contact Phone Number *
Are you still employed with this company? *
If Not, please tell your reason for leaving. *

Employer #2

Company *
Position Held *
Time in Position *
Please list your reason for leaving. *

Employer #3

Company *
Position Held *
Time in Position *
Please list your reaon for leaving. *

Additional Employment Info

List your Special Skills *
Tell us about your work history between the ages of 8-16 years old *
Do you have Military or Naval Experience? *
If yes, please tell us about it.

Education Information

High School *
Year of Graduation *
College *
Trade School or Vocation Tech *

Professional References

First Reference

Name *
Position they hold: *
Contact Phone Number: *

Second Reference

Name *
Position they hold *
Contact Phone Number *

Third Reference

Name *
Position they hold *
Contact Phone Number *

Additional Information

Have you been convicted of a felony? *
If so, what offense?
Are you at least 18 years or older? *
Are youy currently employed? *
If so, may we contact your current employer? *

Cover Letter and Resume

Upload your Cover Letter
Upload you Resume